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Bithoop Knowledge Assistant

The Bithoop Knowledge Assistant boosts information productivity by seamlessly gathering, organizing, and prioritizing data from a wide range of apps, repositories, and platforms. It delivers this information in a consistent, task-focused manner, making it easier than ever to access exactly what you need, when you need it.

Work better, faster, and smarter with bithoop.

Knowledge workers, who make up 60% of the U.S. labor force, engage in various tasks centered around managing, analyzing, and communicating data and information. With Bithoop, these daily tasks are completed better, faster, and smarter.
Researching and Information Gathering
  • Searching for relevant information online, in databases, or within internal resources.
  • Analyzing industry reports, market data, academic papers, or technical documentation.
Managing these Tasks with Bithoop
The Bithoop Knowledge Assistant automatically gathers all the relevant information you need for any project, task, or initiative you’re working on, so you don’t have to search for it. We call this an information ‘hoop’—where all the necessary data, from any source, is instantly available in one place.

Gather it


Communication and Collaboration
  • Writing emails, reports, or documents.
  • Participating in meetings, virtual calls, or collaborative discussions to share information and ideas.
  • Communicating findings, updates, or project statuses to team members, clients, or stakeholders.
Managing These Tasks with Bithoop

Collaboration can be messy and frustrating. Bithoop brings order to the chaos by organizing everything from meeting notes to email threads and attachments. Scattered information across inboxes, messaging platforms, and file systems is automatically consolidated and organized for you.



Data Analysis and Problem Solving
  • Analyzing data to derive insights and inform decision-making.
  • Using specialized software to interpret quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Solving complex problems based on the information gathered.
Managing These Tasks with Bithoop

banner... all information in one place instead of many. Manipulate information in your usual apps, organize, prioritize, and analyze in one.


Project and Task Management
  • Organizing and prioritizing tasks, managing projects through tools like Trello, Asana, or Microsoft Teams.
  • Monitoring deadlines, project progress, and ensuring timely completion of tasks.
Managing These Tasks with Bithoop

All projects and tasks are information hoops. All information from other apps related to these projects and tasks will be gathered and included in those hoops automatically. 

Prioritize it


Learning and Development
  • Engaging in continuous learning by keeping up with new developments in their field through webinars, courses, or reading industry publications.
  • Attending training sessions, seminars, or workshops
Managing these Tasks with Bithoop

You’ve likely attended many events, visited countless websites, and gathered numerous “information nuggets” from presentations, emails, and various folders. Bithoop enables you to quickly create a “hoop” organized by subject matter, bringing all of that scattered information together within seconds and putting it right at your fingertips.



Knowledge Sharing
  • Contributing to knowledge management systems or databases to document best practices, research, or innovations
  • Providing guidance, mentorship, or feedback to other team members.
Managing These Tasks with Bithoop

We all work across multiple apps. While these tools are great for manipulating information, they often fall short when it comes to syncing and organizing it for specific tasks.

Bithoop takes care of that for you, allowing you to instantly gather and organize all the information you need for seamless knowledge sharing.




Decision Making and Strategic Planning
  • Reviewing and synthesizing information to make informed decisions.
  • Contributing to the planning and execution of long-term strategies or projects.
Managing These Tasks with Bithoop
Think of “hoops” as intelligent agents that not only deliver the information you need but also analyze and interact with it.

Whether it’s GenAI for writing and summarizing, machine learning algorithms for deep analysis and prioritization, or enterprise AI algorithms for specialized tasks, they can all seamlessly integrate within the Bithoop platform and its user-friendly architecture.




Intelligent Search

If you cant find it in bithoop, it doesn't exist.


Flexible AI

Add only the AI you need for the task at hand. No more, no less


Automate Work

Proactively gather what you need for the task at hand with automatic organization

Brain AI sml-1

Layers of knowledge management baked in.

Bithoop tailors the flow of information to your team, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your specific needs. From proactively gathering the right data for each task to seamlessly incorporating the optimal level of AI, Bithoop brings true information productivity to your workplace.

Work Smarter not Harder

According to McKinsey, due to information overload, companies typically need to hire 5 people to do the work of 4.

We can fix that.
